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On behalf of the children, staff and governors, I would like to offer you a warm welcome to Stanley Common Church of England Primary School. 

Here, at Stanley Common Church of England Primary School, we all strive to provide the best provision for all of the children who attend our school. This includes their academic education, values, behaviours and the knowledge and skills that will help them to become life-long learners, respectful citizens and successful members of the global community.

The best way to achieve this is for ALL our stakeholders to work together in harmony (children, staff, parents, governors and our local, and church community).

Our website aims to provide  information, expectations and guidance so that we can work together to achieve the best for the children in our care.In order to achieve the school moving forward and being the best that we can be, we need to work together to ensure that children are in school, on time, are not missing lessons and that safeguarding is effective at all times.

If you are a prospective parent, we would like to invite you to visit the school so that you can see Stanley Common in action. If you would like to make an appointment to look around the school, please contact the school office.

We look forward to working with you to ensure the best for the children at Stanley Common.

Mrs P Martin

Executive Headteacher

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